May 10, 2010

Europe Day

May 9th......Europe Day. What did you do to celebrate? Me, I broke out my favorite outfit, had myself a nice baguette, reminisced about my favorite city and listened to one of my favorite albums. To top it all off I also watched a little football on the telly.

I do love Europe. The countries, the people, the automobiles, the movies, the food, the scenery, the architecture, the castles. Drop me off in just about any European country and I will be good to go for months.

Luckily for you the European Union is mentioned in the high school standards (SSEIN2 d). A terrific website for everything EU can be found right here. Go ahead, dig around. I guarantee you will find everything you will need, and a whole lot more, to teach your students about the European Union. Go now as there are plenty of great "current event" stories coming out of Europe as we speak.