Jan 9, 2009

Econ Blog Goes World Wide

Greetings from the Georgia Council on Economic Education. If you are here you have found our latest tool to help K-12 teachers teach economics. We hope this blog will become a place where you go to find many ideas that will help you teach economics in new and exciting ways.

From this blog you can register for GCEE workshops (just click on "register"), read about economics in the news (check out the post about the week long wait in line to spend $230.00), link to useful websites (show your students that debt clock number and see their jaws drop), and get teaching tips from an outstanding high school economics teacher.

Another great feature of the blog is the comments section. Our hope is that teachers will share ideas and talk about what they are doing in the classroom. Please leave a comment and let us know how we can make the blog better as we move forward.